Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Nudge Mini-series.

"The Nudge is Now" is a message you won't want to ignore. Join the thousands that are now taking this message seriously. We all need a little prompting at times in our lives.'s your nudge.

Remember Aesop 's fable of the grasshopper and the ants? This is great way to introduce preparedness to your family, kids and grandkids. Take the opportunity now to reduce excess and discover the "preparedness treasures that you already own. See.... You've already begun to create the insurance policy that you will never regret having!!!

In this mini-series we address WATER, the most crucial storage item that you should start with. This kid inclusive video will give you ideas on how you can educate and involve your children in your preparedness journey. Have fun this week with your water storage!!

How do you make water drinkable when you are out of your stored H20? There are many ways to purify water, but just purchasing water filters is step one. Watch this video to find out a CRITICAL step to get you truly ready to make water DRINKABLE.

DOWNLOAD: Contents of Homemade 5 gallon water filter

DOWNLOAD: Water Storage


Alas, we may someday revert to what many 3rd world countries have been doing for centuries, Eat your food and shake hands with the right hand and use the left hand for.....I can't even say it!!! NEVER fear. Here is a GREAT KID FACTOR PROJECT to put together and a skill to learn with this hygiene kit that will make your life livable when no TP is to be found. Make a kit for each member of your family.

While you are at it, cut out some flannel diapers for your babies. Cloth diapers may be a mainstay soon!!!!

DOWNLOAD: Contents of Personal Cleaning (Bidet) Kit

DOWNLOAD: Contents of Emergency Sanitation Kit

DOWNLOAD: Contents of Emergency Laundry Kit

Where is your grab and go bag?...your 72 hour kit?.... your survival bag?

Want some tips and fun ideas on what to put in it? Make one today with items you have at home. Here is your NUDGE to Get'er done!!!!! This is LEVEL 1 on the comfort level. Watch for Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 comfort ideas when bugging out and print out the suggestions for each level on the PDF listed below.

DOWNLOAD: Suggested Survival Kit Items

Are you ready for the level 2 of comfort that you can have if you are prepared to grab and go with a wagon, stroller, or cart of some kind? What will you want to take with you if you can take additional items with your survival kit?

If you need to leave your home and can take to the road, what will you take and how will you haul it? Don’t wait until you only have a moments notice to grab and go before you plan and pack what you value the most. Important papers can now be scanned to a thumb drive, buckets and bins can be labeled and ready. Your KIDS can be involved with this step also.

DOWNLOAD: Tub and Bin Packing Suggestions

How will you cook without electricity or gas in your home? What can you take with you, to prepare food, if your must leave your house behind? Here is a look at my top picks for alternative fuel cooking. Some of these I am already using on a semi-regular basis.

It's important to have a variety of methods. Which of these will you want to incorporate and what are you using that work well?

Click the link below for the pattern and instructions for how to make and use the Wonder Box thermal cooker. A thermal cooker of either type is a must have for anyone who wants to conserve fuel usage. I also use my Wonder Box to transport ice-cream, pop cycles and anything cold. Not just for cooking...use it as a footrest in camp. Use the following links for the pattern and handout:)

DOWNLOAD: Wonder Box Cooker

DOWNLOAD: Instructions to make a Wonder Box Cooker

Putting away a reserve of food is not confusing when you use this simple planning tool. While 3 months is a minimum amount recommended, there are other suggestions to help you STRETCH your storage dollars and increase the nutrition of your stored foods. Get your KIDS involved with this one. Take advantage of the HARVEST and learn a new self-reliance skill like dehydrating, or canning. This is your NUDGE…… have fun and GET IT DONE!

DOWNLOAD: Store What you Eat

DOWNLOAD: Food Storage Recipes

DOWNLOAD: Soaking and Sprouting Seed, Nuts or Legumes

DOWNLOAD: Fun Quiz on your Earthquake Savvy

DOWNLOAD: Earthquake Resource Websites

VIDEO: What's in your backpack and beyond, Preparedness Class

DOWNLOAD: What's in your Backpack Follow outline note handout

DOWNLOAD: Family emergency plan

DOWNLOAD: Lessons learned from a hurricane survivor

DOWNLOAD: When to shut off your natural gas and how